Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Religion or the Culture?

According to "Aljazeera news", 92 per cent of Americans believe in God or a universal spirit, and nearly 80 per cent think miracles occur.
Most Americans believe that angels and demons are active in the world, and one in five Christians speaks or prays in tongues - ecstatic worship or prayer using unintelligible speech[1].

Since the United States is known as the society with the low context culture (Griffin, 2005), is it true to say "the religion instead of the culture has affected the society’s mind set"?


  1. "Aljazeera news" web site about "Diary of US. election" Followed by URL:http://english.aljazeera.net/focus/imperium/2008/08/2008818858024416.html
  2. Ricky W. Griffin, Michael W. Pustay , (2005), International Business, 4th edition, Pearson Prentice Hall.


sally said...

Religion!!! It’s not that simple and easy word to touch it  after the crusade through the Europe people have not talked about the religion and the differences between religions till the recent era. The economical fluctuations, financial crises, scandals and etc. had occupied the society’s thinking.  The major concentration of any politic and region was improvement of the technology and standards of livings. People became tired and exhausted of living. Suicide, unemployment and social disasters had occurred. So don’t you think, now is the appropriate time for the world to introduce the religion and adopt it through the societies to make the people more chilled?;) 

Ceasar said...

Religion has the greatest impact of any single influence in society, if we include the philosophy/world view that comes from that religion. If we speak in spiritual terms -eternal reality-, religion becomes the only determining factor in the outcomes of your society.

But I also strictly believe in specific means for promulgating religion, and that includes allowing the greatest freedom for expressing it while having the greatest restriction in forcing it. I do not believe in instituting any sort of theocracy.

Ee Lynn said...

I am rather taken back by the figures. Religion is a sensitive issue I would put it as. Looking at America, WHAT CULTURE do they have? They never really had a culture though comparing to countries like India, China, Saudi, Russia, etc. Therefore, I would just stick to the religion is affecting the society’s mind set. When it touches about God, it usually has things to do with religion never culture.
Culture is the ways of living built up by a group of people and passed along generations
These are the difference.

nella said...

Religion is very sensitive to touch but I think this day, not everybody still practice religion in every single activity in their life. Some people belief of their religion but sometimes in real life it is hard to practice.

Ayesha said...

I don't agree with the statement that religion is affecting the society's mind set!!!!I don't understand how people can think and say that religion is affecting people's mindset??As if religion is affecting to a bad!!It is depends how people take it and imposes it!! I believe American have their own culture.They are the society with the low context culture which it is not surprised if they believe in GOD!!Basically,the culture and the egoness has affected the people's mind set.

eason said...

i don't agree with Ayesha in certain extent. I do feel that religion play a part in affecting people's mind set. Look at it, Islamic, Buddish or Hinduism have different way of thinking and that affects some of their mind set.

cuialbert said...

Religion is a sensitive issue,I don't know how to dicuss about the religion and the culture,i agree wiht your culture instead of the culture has affected hte society's mind set.In my opinion the religion is freedom,because the culture different may have the different religion,and also the religion can instead of the culture.

Anonymous said...

Religion is sensitive only to those who sensitize it.It's something sacred, not officiated by governments.
Absolutely no way do Americans react with a religion base.Every body keeps it to himself, as that is a christian tecaching. You would be surprise to know that 50% of americans, though christian, don't even know the ten commandments (http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/2007-03-07-teaching-religion-cover_N.htm). And though, Americans are still strong believers, with big respect for spritual values. That's why they have a lot of respect for the HUMAN, his beliefs and his liberty, because if you don't respect who you see, you are a hyprocrate praising who you don't see.

anuar said...

I would say its a mixture of both religion and culture do play a part in the mindset of people today , each religions have their own beliefs and each culture too , but that makes it unique because not everybody share the same mind but yet we strive to the common goal which is to help ourselves and the people around us through religion and culture.

Srikanth said...

Culture is sort of an umbrella term defined by the traditions, language, art, food, and various attributes of a particular group. Religion can be classified underneath the concept of culture; however, religion itself is a practice in which one seeks to commune with, and worship a power considered higher than one's Self.

Anonymous said...

I would agree with Elynn that American society is been affected by religion, as I came to know following things while I was browsing to Internet, Among developed nations, the US is one of the most religious in terms of its demographics. According to a 2002 study by the Pew Global Attitudes Project, the US was the only developed nation in the survey where a majority of citizens reported that religion played a "very important" role in their lives, an attitude similar to that found in its neighbors in Latin America.
The United States is unique amongst other post-industrial countries in that it has a relatively low percentage of people claiming to have no religious beliefs. But the fluidity of religion in the country is high, with studies showing around half of American adults leave the faith tradition of their upbringing to either switch allegiances or abandon religious affiliation altogether. There are also stark regional differences within the United States with respect to a belief in God. Only 59% of Americans living in Western states confess a belief in God, yet in the South (the "Bible Belt") the figure is as high as 86%.
I would like to ask question to my friend Eric that if he believes that there is no way American react religion base than why was controversy during current year election regarding Barack Obama is Muslim, and even now when he is being elected as a president why their many people who doesn’t want to him to be president.