Thursday, November 13, 2008

Psychotherapy or stimulation?

Hey guys, as I was reviewing the news, I noticed the recent research conducted by the Harvard professor which was alleged: "The decade of the Great Depression, cosmetic sales increased 25 percent." After the downturn following Sept. 11, lipstick sales doubled”. As the interpretation we may simply find the complementary relation-ship between psychology and economy[1].

On the other note I found the interesting subject which was arguing about the psychological strategies which may improve the market trust among the societies to stimulate the economy. Coming up with the idea of the luxurious exhibitions for the reach segments of the societies by selling the market skimmed products or offering the high end tour packages which again targets the reach levels of societies are the recent strategies of entrepreneurs to get back the market trust and try to tackle the psychology of economy.

What sort of strategies you suggest to give back the trust through the markets? Are the financial stimulations and bailouts sufficient enough to see the surge through market shares?


[1] "Yahoo buzz", "The Lipstick Economy" followed by URL:

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Historic Stop

This is the first time since 1953 that a U.S. Secretary of State has visited Libya, the last U.S. Secretary of State to visit Tripoli was John Foster Dulles in May 1953, before Rice was even born[1]. Regarding to reports Rice may sign a trade and investment deal during her visit but the political analysts say the major signal is to start up a new era in U.S.-Libyan relations that have been considered by decades of mistrust and violence[1].

On the other hand after the 23 years of marking Libya as the region of violence, Libya and Russia have signed a deal on civil nuclear co-operation during a visit to Moscow by Muammar Gaddafi the Libyan president[2].

Is this could be considered as the psychological preparation for the public’s mind sets to see the new relations among the Non-Americanized countries and the United States?

Is this could be the guide line for the countries who are accused of the sponsors of terrorism?

Are the accused countries of the sponsors of terrorism are going to be allowed to access to the nuclear facilities under the supervision of United States?

Are all these issues considered as the plots for the dominants of the world to have the nuclear facilities under the supervision of United States?

Are we watching the 21st century’s colonial method?!!!
